
Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Updates from glucose monitoring. I've lost weight. 7" in two weeks. I'm now at 148". I now see why people recommend low carb diets for weight loss. Long distance runners usually run lean so this isn't necessarily bad.

That being said, I don't know what the healthy weight of a 6 foot asian male should be. Google says 140-177 lbs so I'll take that at face value. Realize this depends on additional factors but I feel great so far.

That being said, I have noticed the lack of carbs when I do workouts. Its harder to do more intense runs.

Did some research on low carbs and running and the short of it is that it is hard. Body needs glucose for high intensity workouts (+60% VO2 max). It can learn to use fat for lighter workouts.

This actually works well for ultra marathons since you go at a steady pace for a very long time. But for marathons and under, you actually need speed to compete seriously (at least I do). Plus, I'm on a timie budget with Dendron work so I usually limit my runs to 1h, maybe pushing close to 2h on long run. That means I rather run fast than long which makes the lack of glucose noticable.

Maybe I will try carb cycling. Maybe switch exclusively to ultra marathons. My 800m track days are behind me anyhow. But the time for training runs for ultras is not something I can see happening anytime soon, if ever.

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